Terms & Conditions:-
- No interest shall be payable to any member in respect of the security deposit.
- The security deposit shall be refundable on cessation of membership of library provided there is no book standing in the name of the person.
- The annual library subscription once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
- The library membership shall be valid for the financial year during which a person is admitted as a member and may be renewed on the 1st of April each year on payment of the annual library subscription.
- Each member of the Library shall observe necessary and due care while handling books and other material. Members or readers, shall maintain strict discipline inside and around the Library and conduct themselves in a manner conducive to congenial atmosphere for study.
- Library In-charge shall have the right to close the library on any day or change the working hours of Library without previous notice if office exigencies so demand.
Issue of Books as per following conditions:- (i) Only one book from the general issue section shall be issued at a time against a borrower's ticket for a period not exceeding 14 days at a time.
(ii) If the book issued from the general issue section is not returned by the due date, the library member may be required to pay a fine of Rs.5/- for each day of default.
(iii) Where a book is lost or damaged but is known to be in print, current publisher's price and a surcharge of not exceeding 25% of the price to meet the cost of acquisition shall be charged.