Designations To Be Used By PCS
Under section 7 of the Act, a member in practice shall use the designation of a Company Secretary and shall not use any other designation, whether in addition thereto or in substitution therefore. However, use of the prefix 'practising' before the designation 'Company Secretary' would not offend section 7. Similarly, use of the suffix 'in whole-time practice' or 'in practice' after the designation 'Company Secretary' would also not offend section 7. Further, use of any description or letters to indicate membership of any other institute in India or elsewhere is permissible, if recognised by the Council. Any other qualification possessed by a member in practice is also not prohibited to be used-say M.Com., M.A., M.B.A., A.C.A., A.I.C.W.A. etc. The Council has recognised membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India and Bar Councils for the purpose of allowing members to the Institute to use the relevant statutory descriptions of such bodies, provided members are not holding certificate of practice of the Institute or using the description 'Company Secretary'. Use of designations like Company Law Consultant, Corporate Law Advisor, Corporate Advisor, Investment Advisor, Management Consultant is prohibited.