Regulation 168 of the Company Secretaries Regulation, 1982 provides that a Company Secretary in practice shall not engage in any business or occupation other than the profession of Company Secretary unless it is permitted by a general or specific resolution of the Council.
Further it is provided that without prejudice to the discretion vested in the Council in this behalf, a Company Secretary in practice may act as a secretary, trustee, executor, administrator, arbitrator, receiver, appraiser, valuer, internal auditor, management auditor, management consultant or as a representative on financial matters including taxation and may take up an appointment that may be made by the Central or any State Government, Court of Law, Labour Tribunals, or any other statutory authority.
The aforesaid regulation may be read with Resolution passed by the Council of the Institute pursuant to section 2(2)(f) of Company Secretaries Act, 1980. The details are available at